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Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid: Best Caliph From Abbasid Dynasty.

Source: Intisari Grid.

Today, we will discuss about one best caliph at Islamic History. He is Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid, who bring Islam to his golden age.  And, of course, he is greatest caliph from Abbasid Dynasty. How his achievment at age of Abbasid Dynasty? Please read this article until end because we will discuss one greatest caliph at Islamic History, of course at Abbasid Dynasty Era.

Harun Ar-Rashid ( ruled from 170-194 H), is Abbasid Caliph at 9 TH Century.  His age is golden age for Abbasid Dynasty.  At his era, many literature at Persian, Syrian, Sanskrit, and Greek Language translate to Arabic. According Islamic Research and Study Team Of Egypt, Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid is one caliph from Abbasid Dynasty who has virtue.

Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid, according Palestinian Historian Shaykh Jihad at-Turbani, build long road that connect Islamic Territories that under Abbasid Caliphate.  Capital Of Abbasid Dynasty, Bagdad became Center Of Knowlege during Ar-Rashid s goverment.  Bagdad, also became center of international trade.  His residents achieve 5.000.000 peoples.

Abbasid Caliphate, at Ar-Rashid s goverment era, build giant university, named University Of Bayt Al-Hikmah. This university have large library that contained book from Persia, Anatolia, and Greece.  

At Abbasid Dynasty Era, use split at Arabia Peninsula when Abbasid Dynasty established, Byzantine Emperor, Constantine V (745-775 AD) expand his territories to Islamic Territories at Anatolia  and Armenia. At 782 AD, Caliph Al-Mahdi, father from Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid send army under commander his son, Harun Ar-Rashid. Abbasid Army under Harun Ar-Rashid achieve Territories Of Boshporus, near from Capital Of Byzantine Empire, Constantinople. And Queen Irene Of Byzantine ( ruled 792-802 AD) held peace covenant with Abbasid Dynasty. According Abbasis Historian, Al-Baladhuri,  Ar-Rashid attack Byzantine Territories until bay territories.

When Harun Ar-Rashid became Caliph Of Abbasid, Queen Irene, replaced by Emperor Nicheporus I, an Arabian from Syria who ousted Queen Irene and ruled Byzantine Empire from 802-811 AD. Nicheporus I broke covenant with Harun Ar-Rashid and ask Harun Ar-Rashid back all tribute to Abbasid Dynasty that payed by Queen Irene.  At 806 AD, Harun Ar-Rashid invaded Anatolia Territories that under Byzantine Goverment and occupied City Of Heraclea. At 807 AD, Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid defeat Emperor Nicheporus at Battle Of Konya and he can forced Byzantine Empire to pay tribute to Abbasid Caliphate.

Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid also strengthen City Of Tarsus. Because Byzantine Empire want expand this territories to City Of Tarsus that under Abbasid Goverment.

Muawiya Ibn Amir praised Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid, because this caliph,  persistent at battle for protect his state and strengthen Islamic Territories at coastal for  prevent Byzantine Invasion.

At 180 H, also broke internal conflict at Levantine ( Syria, Palestine, and around it), broke Group Of Al-Nazariyya and Group Of Yamaniyya. Ar-Rashid, tried to prevent riot at Abbasid Territories. He send his general, Jafar Al-Barmaki. And Jafar Al-Barmaki can  confiscate  all weapon at Levantine and finish this problem.

According Muslim Historian, Ibn Kathir , Ar-Rashid die at 193 H because  lungs sick when journey to Khorasan. He replaced by his son, Al-Amin.

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Imam Ibnu Katsir: Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, Penerbit Insan Kamil, 2020 M.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Syaikh Al-Baladzuri: Futuhul Buldan: Penaklukkan Negeri-negeri dari Fathu Makkah Sampai Negeri Sind, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2015 M.


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