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Why Khalid Ibn Walid Removed From His Position?

Souce: HistoricalfunTV.

Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, is one Muslim Commander that popular at history because his conquest at Palestine, Syria, and Iraq. He popular with his prestation, Battle Of Yarmouk at 636 AD. At this article, we will discuss problem why Khalid removed from his position by Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab. Is Umar Ibn Khattab hate Khalid Ibn Walid? Ok, read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

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For know about Battle Of Yarmouk, please read this article:
Battle Of Yarmouk: Biggest Battle Beetwen Arabs Muslim and Byzantine Army. - ACITYA HISTORY

Before understanding why Umar removed Khalid from his position as Muslim Commander at expedition to Syria and Palestine, we must know Khalid s track record at Syria and Palestine when era of Caliph Abu Bakar As-Shidiq. Khalid became Muslim Commander at Battle Of Yarmouk , 13 Hijriyya ( 636 AD), and Khalid appointed by Caliph Abu Bakar for became commander. Khalid leave his expedition at Iraq for lead Muslim Army at Syria. Khalid conquer several land in his jouney to Yarmouk and he lead Muslim at Battle Of Yarmouk achieve monumental victory againt Byzantine Army, and when this battle, Caliph Abu Bakar die at Medina and replaced by Caliph Umar. Caliph Umar give command to remove Khalid from his position.

Now, we will search, why Umar removed Khalid from his position, although Khalid is so competent and able to conquer Palestine, Iraq, and Syria for Rashidun Caliphate?

According Historian Ibn Jarir, factor Umar removed Khalid from his position is Khalid give  spoils that should became Muslim s assets and used for Muslims businesss, to Al-Ash ats Ibn Qais before this spoils split into his army and it is report by one of Muslim Commander, Abu Ubayda to Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab.

Umar call Khalid to Medina, Rashidun Caliphate Capital and ask Khalid about this. After interogated Khalid, Umar removed Khalid from his position.

According several Muslim Historian such as Saif Ibn Umar, Al-Mustawrid, and Adi Ibn Sahl, Umar , after removed Khalid, write letter to cities that he removed Khalid not because he angry or Khalid is traitor but becase many people praise Khalid and Umar doesnt want people  forget that Allah is almighty.

Historian Hugh Kennedy , assumted Umar removed Khalid because personal revenge, but it is not valid. Umar, such we explain above, removed Khalid because Khalid admired many people because his skill at war and Umar fear army will thinks they win because Khalid, not because Allah s help.

But, at other side, Hugh Kennedy admired Khalid s atitude received Umar s command to down position to usual warrior without anger. An Byzantine general, at this condition, will do a coup for seize throne from emperor. But, Khalid no. It is mark that Khalid only fight for Allah Subhanahuwataala, not for position.

From Khalid s atitude, we can learn, whatever happened, if we became member example at company and our boss is not friendly, we must still give best dedication to our company, because cuality of people, determined when he faced unloved things.


Kennedy, Hugh: Penaklukkan Muslim  Yang Mengubah Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Imam Ibnu Katsir: Perjalanan Hidup Empat Khalifah Rasul Yang Agung, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2012 M.

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