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Why Ottoman Empire Fail Occupied Vienna? Historical Theory.

Source: World History.

Vienna, is one from City Of Europe that not occupied by Ottoman Empire. At this article, we will analyze, how Ottoman Empire fail occupied Vienna? Siege Of Vienna, in Ottoman History, happened for several time, and Ottoman not occupied Vienna. At this article, we will search, how many Ottoman tried to conquer Vienna? And why Ottoman fail occupied this city? Before this, please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

First Siege Of Vienna, happened at 1529 AD, by Sultan Sulaiman Al-Qanuni, greatest Ottoman Sultan. After Battle Of Mohacs 1526 AD and death of King Lajos Of Hungary, happened rivality beetwen two kings candidate of Hungary, John Zapolya and Ferdinand, brother from  King Of Spain and Ottoman Biggest Enemy, Charles V. Ottoman Empire supported John Zapolya and at 1529 AD, Sultan Sulaiman besieged Vienna with small army , but he retreat from Vienna at October 1529 AD. He besieged Vienna  at Austria, not for conquer this city but for forced Charles V s position , after this, happened several confrontation beetwen Ottoman Empire and Ferdinand s Army at Hungary. And, this confrontation ended by  agreement that maked at 1562 AD.

Last Sulaiman s expedition for conquer Hungary is Siege Of Szigetvar 1566 AD, Ottoman Empire annexed Castle Of Szigetvar and defeat Croasian Army that defended castle, but Sultan Sulaiman die because his disease at this battle.

At Era Of Sultan Mehmed III ( ruled 1595-1603 AD), Ottoman Empire fight againt Army Of Austria at several battle.  At 1596 AD, Sultan Mehmed III captured Castle Of Egri from Empire Of Austria and bring 100.000 army to attack Austria.  They faced Austrian Army under Archduke Maximillan that numbered 300.000 army consist of Austrian, Spanish, Polands, and Czechs. Broke battle at Hachova and Ottoman Army defeat him at this battle.

At 1601 AD, Ferdinand tried to captured Castle Of Kanije from Ottoman Dynasty, but he failed because Ottoman Army defended this castle  with courage. Kingdom Of Austria, forced civilian at Hungary to convert to Catholic religion, originally Hungarian are Orthodox Christian, Ottoman Dynasty, maybe disagree with this coercion, and it is became factor Ottoman-Austrian War.

At 1683 AD, Ottoman Empire , send army under Kara Mustafa Pasha to conquer Wina. They supported by Mongols Cavalry from Kingdom Of Crimea, Pope Innocent XI persuated European s states to united againt Ottoman Dynasty. Mushtafa Pasha conquer  a big part from Austrian s Kingdom s territories and captured Vienna, Polands Army under King Jan Sobieski came to Vienna and defeat Ottoman Army at Battle Of Vienna 1683 AD.  Army Of Austria capured Castle Of Estergon and Kara Musthafa executed by  Sultan Mehmed IV ( ruled 1648-1687 AD) because his fail conqer Vienna.

According Historian Syed Muhammad Khan, after Siege Of Vienna 1683 AD, Ottoman dont became big power. But, what factor Ottoman Dynasty dont conquer Vienna and with this factor, failed to occupied all Europe.

According Researcher Miladia Aziza,  European, at this era, was flow at military technology and they make Ottoman Dynasty defeat at technology. Because this, Ottoman Empire defeated againts European Army at this era.

It is maybe not one factor Ottoman s expedition to occupied Vienna failed. According Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu, other factor is moral decadension at Ottoman Army. It is happened at Siege Of Vienna 1683 AD, when Ottoman Army drunk and adultery at the expedition.

For this failed, we can studied, success, must achieved by  persistent effort and far from worse  action. Dont do a worse action, because worse action, is a factor of failed. Please share this article if you feel this article give you benefit, and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar Di Dunia Dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Aziza, Miladia: Perjanjian Karlowitz: Faktor Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Dinasti Turki Utsmani 1699-1730 M, Skripsi UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2021 M.

Perang & Penaklukan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah (1299-1683) - Ensiklopedia Sejarah Dunia (worldhistory.org), accesed at 17 June 2024, 10: 28 PM.


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