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Why Ottoman Conquer Khanate Of Crimea: Mongol-Turkish Conflict?

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Ok, at this article, i will discuss about Ottoman Expansion to Khanate Of Crimea. How Ottoman Conquer this Mongols Khanate and Why Ottoman Empire Conquer Khanate Of Crimea? Ok, lets read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. And, we will search Ottoman Motivation to Conquer Khanate Of Crimea. Ok, lets search it.

Before it, let we understand about historical roots from Khanate Of Crimea. According Historian  Michael Goodyear, Khanate Of Crimea, is one  fractional from Khanate Of Golden Horde, one of Mongols Kingdom at East Europe.  Last Khan Of Golden Horde, Ahmed ( ruled 1465-1481 AD), defeat againt Lithuanian and Moldavian Coalition.  One of fractional from Khanate Of Golden Horde, is Khanate Of Crimea , and Italian from Genoa, build colony at Crimea. Republic Of Genoa, supported by Emperor Of Russia, Ivan III Vasilyevitch . Ivan III  allied with Uzun Hasa, one of Ottoman Empire Enemy at Asia.

At 1475 AD, Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed II, send his commander, Gedik Ahmed Pasha to conquer Crimea, with 300 warships. A part from Crimean Army supported them, and a part from Crimean Army with Armenian Army, helped Republic Of Genoa defended their colony. At 1475 AD also, Mehmed II conquer Crimea and he crowned Mengli Giray as Mongols Khan at Crimea under Ottoman Empire.

At Era Of Sultan Selim I, Russian Army besieged Territories Of Crimea and Sultan Selim I, as Ottoman Sultan send Ottoman Cavalry to Crimea. Sultan Selim I require King Mengli Giray to submit his son as prisoner to Ottoman Dynasty. And his son must run education at Ottoman Territories. Many Crimean Officer rejected this, but Mengli Giray agree because he trust Sultan Selim I will educated his son until became a strong successor.

When Ottoman lead by Selim II ( ruled 1566-1574 AD), Ottoman motivated Khanate Of Crimea to send his cavalry  intensively to attack Empire Of Russia.  At Era Sultan Murad III ( ruled 1574-1595 AD), Khanate Of Crimea also help Ottoman Empire for fight againt Empire Of Austria.

At Era Of Sultan Osman II / Genc Osman ( ruled 1618-122 AD), Ottoman Empire use Crimean Cavalry for became proxy at their war againt Kingdom Of Polish. This expedition, because Kingdom Of Polish help Ottoman s enemy, Kingdom Of Bogdan.

At Last Siege Of Vienna ( 1683 AD), Crimean Cavalry also joined Ottoman Army, this expedition ended with fail, and i was discuss it at article below:

Why Ottoman Empire Fail Occupied Vienna? Historical Theory. - ACITYA HISTORY

At 1730 AD, Empire Of Russia atack Territories Of Crimea. But, under Ottoman Commands, Crimean Civilian attack Army Of Russia. Seeing this, Russia tried sheep fight strategy. They  promised Crimean s indepedence, with terms they not help Ottoman Empire to fight Empire Of Russia.

Russia appointed Shahin Giray as Khan Of Crimea, and people of Crimea not love Shahin Giray because he is drunker. They make covenant with Ottoman Sultan, Abdul Hamid I ( ruled 1774-1789 AD). At 1783 AD, Empress Of Russia, Catherine II, send  Russian Army under Marshall Potemkin to Crime to forced Crimean Civilian  faithful to Shahin Giray.

Beetwen 1853-1856 AD, broke Crimean War beetwen Ottoman Empire againt Empire Of Russia. At this war, Ottoman Empire lost Territories Of Crimea and they  weakened until their ruin at 1922 AD.

For this history, we can analyzed why Ottoman Empire insist occupied Crimea, it is not conflict beetwen Ottoman Empire and Khanate Of Crimea, but struggle a a strategyc territories beetwen Ottoman Empire and European s big s powers. Territories Of Crimea, is important coastal and have strong cavalry, that can used by state that ruled it.

Ok, lets share this article to your friend if you feel this article give you benefit. And , subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar Di Dunia Dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Gerombolan Emas - Ensiklopedia Sejarah Dunia (worldhistory.org), accesed 18 June 2024, 10: 32 PM.


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