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Tartarian Civilization: Giant Kingdom Or Only Conspiration Theory?

Source: Pinterest.

Ever viral issues about Tartarian Civilization. And, it is sayed as biggest civilization at the world.  According several sources, it is giants civilization, and they are not human.  And, according several sources, at the Middle Ages, Tartarian Civilization  was have super update cars, airplanes, and  free lystric. And, It is said, Tartarian Civilization ruled Russia, America, Europe, until New Zealand and leave several big building thath exist at the day. Such as Egypt Pyramid and Great Wall Of China. And, It is said againt , Tartarian Civilization disappear from the world because floodmud 200 years ago.

Now, we will search all historical claims above. Historical claims, must supported by strong proofs. Let search it, and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Ok, we will start with name Tatar. What the mean from this word? Name of Tatar , used by Muslim Writers at middle ages, for mention Mongol Nations.  Ibn Kathir, mention Tatar for Mongols under Genghis Khan, at 616 H, who do invasion to Islamic World. And, Mongol Empire have  broad territories. Memoirs Of Ibn Khaldun recorded Mongols Empire included broad territories at Persia and Central Asia, But, Ibn Khaldun was use term ‘Mongols’ at his memoir.

But, many notes at this era, still use ‘Tatar’ for mentioned Mongol Nations. Memoirs Of Ibn Battutah that written at 14 TH Century, mention Ruled Of China originated from Tatar and is Genghis Khan s descedants. It is, also proof Mongols Empire also ruled China. Ok, until this, clearly Tatar is other name for Mongols Empire at Middle Ages, and Mongols Empire, have broad territories at the past.  Name Of Tatar not only used by Muslim Writers, but, also used by Hindu Writers. An 14 TH s notes that became primary sources for History Of Majapahit, Kakawin Negarakretagama, mentioned Majapahit s founder, Dyah Wijaya, make alliance with Mongols Empire for attack his rivals, Jaya Katwang. It is mark, Mongols Empire have big influence at this era, maybe, it is became factors why appear conspiration theory about Tartarian Civilization who his member are not human, but giant.

How with conspiration theory about Tartarian Civilization have forward technology? For this statement, we must refer to primary source about life of nations at Middle Ages. Yes, it is Mukaddimah, that written by Ibn Khaldun. Ibn Khaldun, who of course became eyewitness Mongols Invasion at Islamic World, such as at this memoir, said the nomad have character love a war and technology, according Ibn Khaldun, improved by  settled nations, such as Greeks or other.

How with conspiration theory pyramid build by Tartarian Civilization? It is very weak conspiration theory, because according archaeology s research , Egypt Pyramid build by Pharaoh Khufu who ruled beetwen 2589-2566 BC, one of Ancient Egypt s ruler. And, it is supported by memoir Of Herodotus, one of Greeks Historian, who born at 484 BC.  And, Pyramid build for eternalize Egyptian Kings s body with shape of mummy. Not enough notes about this traditions at Mongols Empire, Ibn Batuta s notes only show  funeral ritual without mumyficated.. So, it is  disorderly if said Pyramid Of Egypt is Tartarian s heritage.

From this history, we learn, be chritical persons, dont easy trust to conspiration theory that appear at internet and other. Studied history, cannot only accept information, but choose true information from true sources.


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Herodotus: Sang Bapak Sejarah yang Menginspirasi Banyak Sejarawan - Semua Halaman - National Geographic (grid.id), accesed 15 June 2024, 16: 54 PM.

Sejarah Mesir: Firaun Khufu, Sosok di Balik Pembangunan Piramida Giza - National Geographic (grid.id), accesed 15 June 2024, 16: 54 PM.

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