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Ottoman-Portuguese Conflict: Ottoman Expansion To India?

Source: King and general.

Today, i will discuss about Ottoman Portuguese Conflict at 16 TH Century. 16 TH Century, is important age for Ottoman Dynasty. And, at this article, we will discuss what Ottoman s motivation for fight againt Portuguese at Indian Ocean? Is Ottoman want occupied India? Ok, lets read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

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At 1479 AD, Portuguese start their expedition at Indian Ocean. They occupied several port at Indian Ocean. They also allied with prime enemy of Ottoman Dynasty, Safavid Dynasty to attack Ottoman Dynasty. Safavid Dynasty, under Shah Ismail I, and  Portuguese Army will attack North Syria and occupied Jerusalem at Palestine, but at 1514 AD, Ottoman Sultan, Selim I defeat Kingdom Of Safavid at Battle Of Chaldiran, for know about this battle, please read this article:

Selim I: Ottoman Sultan Who Save Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s Tomb. - ACITYA HISTORY

At 1535 AD, Bahadur Shah, Gujarat Sultan at India, ask help to Ottoman Sultan, Sulaiman Al-Qanuni, for faced Portuguese at India. Ottoman Empire send several warships to Island Of Diu at India at 1537 AD. But, they dont conquer it , because Portuguese kill Bahadur Shah and Bahadur Shah s son, Mahmud Shah allied with Portuguese.

Portuguese Navy moved to Jeddah and tried captured this city. They defeated because Sharif Numay, Emir Of Mecca attack them at Castle Of Jeddah. Portuguese occupied City Of Aden at Yemen. Ottoman Admiral, Piri Reis, seize this city and next his expedition to conquer Muscat at 1551 AD, he defeat Portuguese s navy and Portuguese Army escape to Castle Of Hurmuz, that cannot seize by Piri Reis.

At 1562 AD, Portuguese Navy receive defeat from Ottoman Navy that lead by Seydi Ali Reis at Battle Of Muscat, Oman. Seydi Ali Reis also send army to Mughal Emperor at India, Humayun.

At 1565 AD, Sultan Of Aceh, Alauddin ask help from fight againt Portuguese at Malacca. Ottoman Empire send 2 warship to Aceh , contained workers and guns.

Memoir from Portuguese Historian, Mendez Pinto at 16 TH Century recorded alliance beetwen Ottoman Empire and Sultanate Of Aceh when Sultanate Of Aceh fight againt Kingdom Of Batak Aru. Ottoman Army that help Sultanate Of Aceh againt Batak Aru Army that help by Portuguese, lead by Hamid Khan. And this battle happened at 1539 AD.

Ottoman-Portuguese Conflict, is Ottoman s effort to protect Islamic Basic at Indian Ocean such as India and Aceh. From this history, we can see, Ottoman Empire care to his Muslim brother at other part of the world. This care, can we do at modern age. We must care to other Muslim at other part of the world that suffered because disaster. Help our Muslim Brother that suffered disaster, whatever his nations and whatever his tribes.

Ok,it is my article today, please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.


Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Ibnu Zena, Muhammad Iqbal, dkk: Persekutuan Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam Dengan Turki Utsmani Dalam Menghadapi Kolonialisme Portugis Di Nusantara 1537-1571 M, Batuthah: Jurnal Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Vol.2, No.1, 2023 M.



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