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The Great Story Of Imam Bukhari: Muslim Hadith S Collector.

Source: Laduni ID.

If you join Islamic Study at mosques, maybe you hear this name every hadith s study. Yes, he is hadith codificator who write a masterpiece for us, Shahih Bukhari, and uniquely, he is doesnt Arabian, but he is Persian. At this article, we will discuss about character who collect hadiths for us, and write a cannon  for Muslim st Hadith, Shahih Bukhari.

 He has young name , Muhammad Ibn Ismail Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mughirah Ibn Bardzibah. His cleverness, started when he come to Islamic School  at Khorasan with their friends. And, he was still  10 years old.  He came without pen and paper. The teacher  tell several hadiths and the students write it. Muhammad doesnt write it, and his friends mocked him. At his adulthood, he popular with nickname Al-Bukhari, because he came from Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

One day, Muhammad say: out your notes and  i will repeat the hadiths for you! His friends out their notes about hadiths, and Muhammad repeat 15.000 hadiths for them without mistakes.

When he was child, Muhammad is blind. His mother cry  and pray to Allah for back Muhammad s eye. When Muhammad blind,  Allah give him power of memory. And, Allah back his eye to him. He can see, and he combined powe of memory and power of eye.

Imam Bukhari live  beetwen year 810-870 AD,  when at this era, Rasululllah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s hadiths dont codificated and still mess. Imam Bukhari must traveler from Bukhara to Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Egypt to found hadith.

He live at Era Of Abbasid, when Islamic Civilization achieved his golden age. And., Abbasid Caliphate became Center Of Civilization at the world. But, at this time, hadiths not yet codificated, though it is so important for Muslims.

Muslims need hadiths for second guide book other Koran. And several people make a fiction hadiths, it is danger for Muslims.  Bukhari struggled for collect authentic hadiths. He walk around several lands to collect authentic hadith from several credibles scholars. Not only collect, Bukhari also codificated hadith to one cannon book, named : Shahih Bukhari.

Other Shahih Bukhari,  he also write other books such as At-Tarikh Al-Kabir  ( at history) and Adabul Mufraad ( at Islamic Morals)

Bukhari also  careful person. He only take hadiths from credible person, and he checked person s credibility. One day, he want search about a hadiths and he came to the teller of hadiths. But, he see  the teller hit his horse. According Bukhari, hadiths from people who hit his horse is incredible. He leave this people.

Not also codificated, Bukhari also tried do hadiths that he memorized. He do prayer of Tahajjud ( night prayer) every nights, like hadith that he write.  He dont want became people that only preach, but dont do it.

Bukhari die at 62 years old, at 256 H, he leave big heritage for us.

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Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad, Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Biografi Imam Bukhari, Lengkap Dari Lahir Hingga Wafat (bersamadakwah.net), accesed 29 May 2024, 10: 33 PM.

Al-Bukhārī | Hadith, Islamic Law, Compilation | Britannica, accesed 29 May 2024, 10: 34 PM.

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