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Shuraih Al-Qadhi: The Fair Judge .


Source: Spot19 Tangsel.

This is fair judge at Islamic History. Maybe, now many public officer dont became fair officers for his people. But, at Islamic Golden Age, life fair judge that became example for Islamic Civilization. He is judge who treat all people with fair, without seeing different beetwen people. He is Shuraih Al-Qadhi. Lets discuss it, and subscribe my blog for get more information about Islamic History. Read this article until end, and happy reading.

He s Shuraih Ibn Al-Harith, Shuraih is Yemeni, and when Yemen get Islamic Preach from Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Shuraih is Yemeni from Tribe Of Kindah who convert to Islam. Islam entered Yemen without battle. At 620 AD, Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam send several preacher to Yemen that ruled by Sassanid Dynasty Of Persia. According Historian Thabari,  Persian Governor at Yemen, Badhan, convert to Islam because Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s preach. And, when Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam return from War Of Tabuk, several Yemeni Kings from Tribes Of Himyar send letter to him, that announced Himyar Kingdom convert to Islam. They is Harith Ibn Abd Kulal, Nuaim Ibn Abd Kulal, An-Numan, Dzu Ruain, Maafir, and Hamdan.  They leave Paganism, and followed by Yemen Civilians.

Shuraih is smart people, and expert in law. He appointed as Qadhi ( Islamic Judge) at Era Caliph Umar, Utsman, Ali, and Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan.

Shuraih ever finished case beetwen Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, Caliph Ali loss his armor, and his armor finded at hand of Non Muslim at the market that sell them. Ali and  Non  Muslim people quarrel about this armor status. They wen to Shurayh Al-Qadhi, at the court. Ali  bring two eyewitness: his son, Hasan, and his slave, Qanbar.  But, according Islamic Law, Shurayh said: son cannot became eyewitness for his father, and Shurayh decide the armor is for  this Non Muslim. Ali give his armor to this Non Muslim because he doesnt have eyewitness other Hasan and Qanbar.  This Non Muslim convert to Islam, and he  confess the armor is own of Ali Ibn Abi Thalib. Ali give his armor, and he doesnt ask this Non Muslim to back this armor.

Shuraih has nauty child. His child love ditching from the school. One day, his child ditching and he leave shalat ( ritual worship for Muslims , done 5 times for a day) because went with nauty children to seeing dogs fight beetwen them. Shuraih write a letter  for his child s teacher and ask his teacher to hit him if he cannot became good person.

Shurayh die at 697 AD, at age 107 years old. He leave good examples for us. Leader must became fair leader, though with his family. At modern time, we see many leaders is unfair person, they eat people s money and dont care with his people. If we became leader, lead our people fairly, because leadership, for Muslim, will asked accountability in front of Allah Subhanahuwataala.


Basya, DR.Abdurrahman: Para Tabii: Kisah Perjuangan dan Keteladanan, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2016 M.

Ad-Dzahabi, Imam: Siyar Alam An-Nubala Jilid 2: Tahqiq Syuaib Al-Arnauth & Team, Pustaka Azzam, 2017 M.

Cole, Juan: Muhammad: Juru Damai Di Tengah Benturan Imperium Besar Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.


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