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Conquest Of Mecca: Conquest Without Bloods.

Source: Kepoen.

Conquest, usually, colored by bloods and battle, but at the Islamic History, ever happened conquest without blood, yes, the conquest is Conquest Of Mecca by Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, or, we as Muslims usually called it Fathul Makkah.

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Conquest Of Mecca is one from big event at Month Of Ramadhan. And, before Conquest Of Mecca, happened also big event at world history, at 627 AD, Propeth Muhammad  s allies, Emperor Heraclius Of Byzantine, held expedition for captured Anatolia from Persian Army and at 628 AD, attack Persia s kingdom s center at Mesopotamia, Empire Of Sassanid ( Persia) is biggest enemy for Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam at this age and ally from Pagans at Mecca and other places.

At 628 AD, from Medina, Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his shahaba s from Muhajirin and Anshar went to Mecca, and Urwah Ibn Az-Zubair, Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s  group  stopped at Oase Of Usfan, and one of shahaba, Bishr Al-Kaabi, tell him, that Pagan s Warrior from Quraish under Khalid Ibn Walid, that in this time, not yet convert to Islam, out from Mecca to faced Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s group.  Propeth Muhammad negotiate with his group, and they say, we came as pilgrims, not for war. Next, happened negotiation beetwen Propeth Muhammad and his group with Pagan Quraish from Mecca, the negotiation popular with name Treatment Of Hudaibiyya. Content from Treatment Of Hudaibiyya is Muslims dont implement hajj until next year, Propeth Muhammad s follower who want join with Pagan Quraish allowed, but Pagan Quraish who want join with Propeth Muhammad dont allowed.

And, two tribes around Mecca, Bani Bakr and Bani Kaab, allowed choosed , join with Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam , and join with Pagan Quraish. Bani Kaab join with Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and Bani Bakr join with Pagan Quraish. But, they must keep the peace and dont turn the battle. At 629  AD, Quraish help Bani Bakr attack Bani Kaab, Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam bring many troops to conquer Mecca without Quraish broke the treatment. According several sources, number of Islamic Army achieved 10.000 army, Khalid Ibn Walid, who at this time, was convert to Islam,  lead Muslim Army to entered Mecca.

Several sources mentioned happened little battle beetwen Muslim Force and Pagan Quraish at Mecca. But, details about this battle not enough at the Quran and Quran say, Muslim entered Mecca peaceful, such as QS.Al-Fath: 27, Historian Juan Cole say, not enough battle when Muslim entered Mecca, according this surah, and Muslim entered Mecca with many numbers, Pagan Quraish at Mecca surrender peacefully. Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam give security guarantee for Pagan Quraish at Mecca, though, they at the past, often disturb Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Fathu Makkah happened at 20 Ramadhan, 8 Hijriyya. Mecca, back to Muslims s hands, and Pagan Quraish many convert to Islam.

But, exist one enemy that want attack existension Of Islam, they is Tribes Of Hawwazin, who , with support from Empire Of Persia,  out their army to attack Muslim Force, that became factor broke Battle Of Hunayn, that we will discuss at next article, Insha Allah.

The conclusion, since origin of establishment, Islam was know human s rights, that, false if exist people say, before 20 TH Century, not enough human right at the world, Muslim has became first pioneer for human right.  False if people say: Islam is religion for terrorist, because since origin of establishment, Islam was know how treat human as human.

Cole, Juan: Muhammad Juru Damai Di Tengah Benturan Imperium Besar Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Kapan Terjadinya Fathu Mekkah? (kompas.com), accesed 7 April 2024 , 10: 39 PM.

Kisah Penaklukkan Makkah (Fathu Makkah) Secara Lengkap (atsar.id), accesed 7 April 2024, 10: 40 PM.

Fathu Makkah, Peristiwa Kemenangan Umat Islam atas Kaum Kafir Quraisy (detik.com), accesed 7 April 2024, 10: 40 PM.

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