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Who s Earth s Recidents Before Propeth Adam Alaihissalam?

Source: Alpha Coders.

Today, i will discuss about theory, before Propeth Adam, exist apes mens life at the earth. If Propeth Adam is first man, why founded fossils of apes man? Who s apes mans? How Propeth Adam Alaihissalam down to earth, Ok, at this article, i will discuss about Propeth Adam Alaihissalam and apes man, what relation beetwen Propeth Adam and apes man? Lets discuss it.

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According Koran, holy book of Islam, at the             Surah Al-Baqarah: 30, Allah will point caliph ( leader) at the earth and he create Adam Alaihissalam , the angels at paradise protest because fear men will make damage at the earth. According islamic refrence, Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah that written by Imam Ibn Kathir, Allah create Propeth Adam and Adam live at paradise before he down to earth with his wife, Hawa. Islamic Scholars differents at their argument, where paradise located by Propeth Adam? Several scholars argue the paradise is a place at the earth and several scholars said, it is paradise at the sky, but, Imam Ibn Kathir say, it is paradise at the sky. The question is, who human recidents before Propeth Adam Alaihissalam? It is mysterious, several scholar say: jin create before Propeth Adam Alaihissalam and at this time, at the earth, exist creatures named Al-Hin and Al-Bin, Hin and Bin make damage at earth and jin come to earth and kill them, jin stay at the earth and also make damage like his elder, Allah send army of engels to earth and they defeat jin and kick them to islands at the sea.

Islamic Scholar s argument about Al-Hin  and Al-Bin approriate with DR.Marston Bates s research, he find fossils of Sinantrophus, ancient creatures like a apes who do canibalism, the fossils of Sinantrophus show, this creatures do canibalism, they eat meat and marrow of victims, at the QS.Al-Baqarah: 30, angels at the paradise are fear men will make a damage, that is mark, before Propeth Adam, exist creatures that love make a damage.

But, i confirmed, human at the modern age NOT  descedants of the apes like say by several researcher it is  theory of Charles Darwin, human apes such as Sinantrophus, was exinct before Propeth Adam Alaihissalam created, Research by DR.Husain Hamdan give we information, evolution theory is “unbasic” theory and based on DNA thest, all of humans follow DNA of Hawa, wife of Propeth Adam Alaihissalam.

Originally, Charles Darwin doest say, human is apes descedants, at his masterpiece, The Origin Of Spesies, Darwin doesnt mentioned that humans are evoluted from apes, at his next book, The Descent  Of Man, he only argue, maybe human s ancestor came from Africa, because ancestor of apes also came from Africa, Darwin doesnt argue human is descedant from apes, but his theory misunderstood because an England s  artist draw Darwin with body of apes for mocked book The Desecent Of Man, many people argue, Darwin say human is from apes.

Human Apes/ ancient human, exist on the earth, before Propeth Adam Alaihissalam down to earth, but, they dont have genealogy s relation with modern human at the present. They exinct before Propeth Adam Alaihissalam created, is unbasic if say, human is apes  s descedants.


Ustadz H.Abdul Aziz Rauf, L.C ( Konsultan): Al-Hufaz Al Quran Hafalan Mudah, Penerbit Cordoba, 2021 M.
Thayyarah, DR.Nadiah: Buku Pintar Sains Dalam Al-Quran, Penerbit Zaman, 2013 M.

Imam Ibnu Katsir: Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, Penerbit Insan Kamil, 2020 M.

Ternyata Charles Darwin Tak Pernah Bilang Manusia Berasal dari Kera (detik.com), accesed 30 March 2024, 10: 18 WIB.

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