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Are Viking Convert To Islam?

Source: Suara.Com

Vikings is popular nation. We maybe know it as pirates with longship and horn helmet. But, are you know? Vikings has side in Islamic History, although is so faint. It is true Vikings convert to Islam or only held relation with Muslims Political authority? If Vikings entered Islam, who spread Islam at them?  Lets search it.

Same with Rohingya, Islamic History at Vikings is still mysterious and that until us only several pieces. But, doesnt the meant not enough Islamic development at Vikings. Maybe historical datas about is burried over run of time.

At 2015 AD, founded  Viking s woman ring with Allah inscription. Allah is the almighty god at Islam. It is the mark several Vikings maybe entered Islam at Islamic Golden Age? Is still mysterious.

Muslims Notes about Vikings only notes of Ibn Fadhlan, Ibn Fadhlan traveled to Russia, Swedia, Norwegia, and Denmark, and he tell, that he meet several Vikings that he mention are disgust people. Ibn Fadhlan tell Vikings are pagans and they worship statues. Ibn Fadhlan tell, he involved at local battle and he became warrior at one of Vikings Group that argue, the problem Ibn Fadhlan spreaded Islam at Vikings or no, doesnt  described.

But, recorded, Abbasid Caliphate held trade relation with Vikings. In the age of Caliph Harun Al-Rashid.  Vikings attack England from north and in England, they mentioned as North Men, that then, mentioned as Norman. Normans moved to France Coastal and their settlements mentioned as Normandia. At 209 H, Vikings from Normandia plunder Spain that ruled by Umayyad Dynasty under his Caliph, Abdurrahman Al-Ausath. Abdurrahman Al-Ausath send his troops to attack Vikings and Umayyad Army succeded defeat Vikings Army and drive out them from Spain. After this, Abdurrahman Al-Ausath built navy at his territory and he annexed Islands Of Baleares.

At 9 Th century, Caliph Harun al-Rashid held relation wirh Charlemagne, King Of Frankish Kingdom ( Old France), mentioned, Al-Rashid give Charlemagne several gives such as clothes, elephant, and spices.

According Historian Fuji Pratiwi, relation beetwen Harun Al-Rashid and Charlemagne open the gate of Abbasid relation with Europe, one of them, Vikings. Vikings trade with Muslims and they use Arabic Coins from Muslim Goverment.

16 th century Historian, Amin Razi write, several Vikings entered Islam, but they doent leave pork. It is show the weakness of Islamic Preaching at Vikings, because in Islam, doesnt may eat the pork. Historian Omar Mubaidin sayed, several Vikings convert to Islam when they stay at Seville, Spain, can estimated, they entered Islam at age of Umayyads Reign at Spain, or, at least, when Spain still at Muslims Political reign.

But, we need more research to uncover, how Islamic Preaching at Viking Nation, is Vikings really convert to Islam? Or only several from them?


Hitti, Philip.K: The History Of Arabs, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

Tim Riset Dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Penerbit Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Hubungan Peradaban Viking dan Islam | Republika Online, accesed 9 March 2024 M, 10:04 PM.

5 HAL TENTANG VIKING DAN PERADABAN MUSLIM - Jakarta Islamic Centre (islamic-center.or.id), accesed 9 March 2024, 10: 04 PM.


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