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Early Islamic History In America.

Source: ;Pixabay.

Decide s when Islam entried America is so hard, because lack of Muslim Refrences record  how Islam entered America. But, are several notes from Muslims about Early Islamic History in America. Even though doesn’t complete, from this, we can know, what happened at America in Islamic History?

Increasingly important a territories. Increasing many  historical notes about this territory, example Palestine, why many historical notes about Palestine? Because Palestine is IMPORTANT  territories for Muslims, here Mosque Al-Aqsha and many Islamic Historical Sites.

An Muslims Geographer , Al-Idrisi, record, 8 Muslims sailor from Lisboa ( Portugal) went to Atlantic and find  Continent of America, before age of Columbus, but this information doubt by historians because refrence that support this information is so little. An other information say, Columbus find Continent Of America with help An Moroccan Muslim, but it is need to reviewed. In the notes of Al-Idrisi, mentioned, in America, exist Muslims Comunnity who speak with Arabic ( maybe Arabians Imigrant)

But, one of Muslims Scholars in age of  Caliph Omar Ibn Khattab record that in across Spain ( clearly is America) live several civilian who eat corn as main food.

Muslims Historian, Al-Masoudi write, terrain across Atlantic Ocean find by Muslim Sailor,  Khasy Khasy Ibn Saad.

At 1493 AD, Columbus, in his expedition to America record, American Civilian wear clothes like Muslim in Spain, and they process gold with similar method with Africans. It is aproriate with notes of Al-Umary, An Muslim Historian, in his book, Masalikul Abshar Fi Mamalikil Amshar  at 1324 AD, when he meet King Of Africa ( Mali), Mansa Musa. Mansa Musa tell him his brother went to across Atlantic Ocean, can allegedly, American Civilian maybe learn gold process from this person, he is King Abu Bakr Ibn Mohammad, who leave throne of Mali for his brother because he want cross Atlantic Ocean with 200 ship, maybe, many Africans stay in America and teach gold process to American Natives.

In his notes, Columbus also write, in Kuba, he find a mosque, it is indication that in America maybe exist Muslims comunnity in his early history.

At 2000 M,  An Spanish Woman find the documents that write by Spanish Muslim about Muslims in America,the Spanish Woman is Luisa Isabel,  An Spanish Noblewoman, she resume this document in her book: Africa VS America.

This conslusion, Early Islamic History in America need  next research. Need many research to search how Muslims entered America and how Islamic Early Age in America?

Recommendation Refrences:
Khalik, Subehan: Sejarah Perkembangan Islam Di America,  Jurnal Addaulah, Vol.4, No.2, Desember, 2015 M.

Bukti Bahwa Nenek Moyang Amerika seorang Muslim (igtv90.blogspot.com), accesed 20 February, 2024, 15: 52 PM.

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