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Answer Fake Claims: Islam Identic With Nazism.

Source: Bridgeman Images.

I often hear this claim, Islam is identic with Nazism because we as Muslim Community denounced Zionism. In this article, I will discuss history of Nazism and I will answer, is Islam identic with Nazism? Whats different beetwen Islam and Nazism? Lets discuss it.

At 1921 AD, Nazi Party in German lead by Adolf Hitler and at 1933 AD, Adolf Hitler became German chancellor.  At 1938 AD, German under Nazi Party occupied Austria  and in 1939 AD, German attack Polandia, and in 16 september 1939 AD, German and his ally, State Of Russia surrounded Warsawa. Beetwen 1941-1942 AD, German invaded Russia and surrounded Stalingrad.

Now, we discuss Nazi s statement to European Jews, that called by Holocaust, Nazi be racist to Jews in Europe and they want kill all of Jews in Europe: young and old, sick and health and  Nazism ideology is very racits, because Hitler argue  man s character decided by his ethnic.  They argue, Jews in inferior ethnic and must massacred.

Short, Nazi has ideology, inferior ethnic must massacred and doesn’t may exist in the earth.

How with Muslims? Why we denounced Zionism and it is true we hate Jews?

Who is resisted by Muslims is Zionism, NOT  Judaism/ Jews religion, why Muslims resist to Zionism? Because Zionist tried to massacre Palestinian in their land.  And we doesn’t hate all of Jews, because not all of Jews is Zionist, Harun Yahya write, in the Age Of Ottoman, in Land Of Palestine, live several of Jews who doesn’t disturb Muslims and Ottoman Empire ruled Land Of Palestine justly, in this age, in Land Of Palestine, live Muslims, Jews, and Christian peaceful.

Why  rise of Zionism? In the reality, according Harun Yahya, Zionism is seculary who trait Judaism Faith. Zionism is racist ideology who abusing verses in the Koran and Torah for their agenda, occupied Land Of Palestine and massacre his civilian.

Zionism Organization founded by Theodor Herltz (1860-1904 AD) and at 1920-1929 AD, facilitate Jews for  moved to Palestine and the ideology of Zionism is kill all Palestinian or  enslave them as sayed General Shlomo Lahat, Mayor Of Tel Aviv, Israel.

Clear, Muslims denounced Zionism because his racism and Muslims denounced racism, like at Quran Surah Al-Hujurat: 13, as for Judaism religion, for doesn’t disturb Muslims existension, Muslims tolerant with other religions who want live peacefully.

It is different with Nazism who promoted racism ideology. Muslims is not racist and only resistant to tyranny in the world, important to you know, Judaism and Zionism is so different, Judaism is religion and in this religion also exist teaches about peace and  prohibiton to do damage, different with Zionism who teach violence and racism to his follower. It is resistance by Islam. Zionism is misuse Judaism s teaching for fiolence and intolerance, if we agree with Zionism, it is mean, we agree with racism and violence.

Muslims resistance tyrany and Nazism massacre one ethnic for their business.

Yahya, Harun: Palestina, Zionisme, Dan Terorisme Israel, Penerbit Dzikra, 2005 M.

Palmer, R.R., Colton, Joel, and Kramer, Lioyd:  A History Of The Modern World, M.C.Graw Hill, 1984 AD.

Manis, Hoeda: Buku Pintar Sejarah Dan Pengetahuan Dunia Abad 20+ Awal Abad 21, Trans Idea Publishing, 2020 M.

Para Korban Era Nazi: Ideologi Rasial Nazi | Ensiklopedia Holocaust (ushmm.org), accesed 19 February, 2024, 14: 25 PM.


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