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Rise Of Safavid Dynasty: The Begin Of Shia At Iran.

Source: Famous People.

Today, we will discuss about Safavid Dynasty, one Shia Dynasty at Iran that until today, make Iran as Islamic State According Shia Sects. Disclaimer, this article only discuss history and dont discuss about  comparison beetwen Sunni and Shia Sects. If you want know about this topic, please refer to Islamic Scholar s lecturer. At this article, we only discuss about History Of Safavid Dynasty that change Iran from Sunni to Shia State.

Safavid Dynasty, according Historian Tamim Ansary, begin from a religion group at Iran that run teaching from Imamid Shia. At 15 TH Century, Iran ruled by several Turkish Chief who devout Sunni /Ahlusunnah Wal Jamaah teaching.  Safavid, at the begin is religion group that have military corp, named Qizilbash.

At 1488 AD, An Turkish Chief from Aq Qoyunlu Dynasty  kill Safavid Chief, Haidar  But, Safavid s Chief s son, Ismail  Ibn Haidar with Qizilbash army can destroy this Turkish s Chief s goverment. At 1502 AD, Ismail declared his self as King Of Iran.Ismail declared Shia as official state s teaching. Ismail can get support from Tribes Of Turkmen and he expand his territories until Herat and Oxus River. He also attack State Of Oman. Ismail also fight againt Tribe Of Uzbek ( Shaybani) and defeat them. Iraq and Azerbaijan fall to Ismail s hand. And, Ismail territories named by Safavid Dynasty. Remnant Of Timurid Dynasty can ruled by Ismail. Shah Ismail also kill 60.000 Sunni Muslim at Azerbaijan and he can collect 40.000 followers at Anatolia, that is Ottoman Dynasty s territories and he want expand his territories to Ottoman Empire s territories.  Safavid Dynasty under Shah Ismail also make alliance with Mameluke Dynasty and Portuguese Empire for faced Ottoman Dynasty.  But, at August 1514 AD, Ottoman Army under Sultan  Selim I destroy  Safavid Army under Shah Ismail I at Battle Of Chaldiran.  And, Sultan Selim I captured Capital Of Safavid Dynasty, Tabriz.

Shah Ismail die at 1524 AD and replaced by his son, Tahmasb. Tahmasb ask helped from King Of Spain, Charles V and his brother, Ferdinand to faced Ottoman Dynasty. At 1534 AD, Ottoman Army under Sultan Suleiman I can captured Bagdad from Safavid Dynasty . Tahmasb and Suleiman I fight at several battle. At 1553 AD, Ottoman Army can captured several territories at Iran from Safavid Dynasty. And, at his era, Safavid Dynasty faced raid from Tribe Of Uzbek.  After die of Tahmasp, Safavid Dynasty ever ruled by one Sunni King, Ismail II who conquer several territories at Anatolia. Safavid Dynasty achieve his golden age at era of  Abbas I. Abbas I ask helped from European State for attack Ottoman Dynasty. At 1603 AD, he re captured Tabriz and Several Cities at Azerbaijan. Ottoman Sultan, Murad IV can pretend Safavid Dynasty s plan to attack Baghdad  at 1638 AD. Safavid Dynasty weakened until at 1148 H, Safavid Dynasty Goverment taked by new dynasty, Qajar Dynasty that lead by Nader Khan. Nader Khan became Sunni Ruler at Iran and he can conquer India, Afghanistan,and Central Asia. After Nader Khan s die, Qajar Dynasty chaos until replaced by Pahlevi Dynasty that back Shia Teaching at Iran. Until now, Shia became main teaching at Iran. And, Shia also strengthed by Iran Revolution at 1979 AD under Khomenei , that ousted Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlevi s rule at Iran, but still make Shia s Teaching as main motive from this revolution.


Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Maksudoglu, Mehmet:  The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya , Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.


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