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Seeing Islamic World With Eye Of Medieval Historian: Book Of Rihlah Ibnu Khaldun.

Source: Shopee.

Title: Rihlah Ibnu Khaldun: Memoar Perjalanan Bapak Sosiologi Dan Filsafat Sejarah Paling Brilian Sepanjang Sejarah.

Author: Ibn Khaldun.

Publisher: Alvabet.

Year Publish: 2023.

Pages: 333 pages.

For my Muslim Brother who came from Indonesia, i trust you dont foreign with vocabulary “mudik”in the Eid Al Fitri Celebration, “mudik” is journey that do for visit our grandfather and  grandmather, usually they stay at the village, and dont forget, subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Today, i will share a  history book that recommended read at “mudik”journey, because the book tell about the journey of Islamic Historian, Ibn Khaldun, from North Africa to Near East, if you saw history book is so bored and make you sleepy, try read this book. This book same with journey book, but have historical value.

For know biography of Ibn Khaldun, you can read article bellow:
Ibn Khaldun: An Muslim World Historian. - ACITYA HISTORY

This book started by explained about Ibn Khaldun s family and his early life, next by his journey  from Tunisia, Morocco, Spain, Syria, to Egypt. The top of story is Ibn Khaldun s journey to Syria, that he became eyewitness of the Mongol Invasion.

Same with other historical book that  themed journey, like Suma Oriental  by Tome Pires,  Bujangga Manik by Prabu Jaya Pakuan, and Rihlah Ibnu Batutah by Ibnu Batutah, this book tell several events that happened at the location that visited by Ibn Khaldun, like the civil war at North Africa, Mongols Invasion at Syria, and other. But the plus value from this book is exist several citation of poem, that read by Ibn Khaldun, so that, the book have literature and grammatical value, remember the author, Ibn Khaldun is Spanish- Arabians, and Spain, in the Era Of Muslim Reign, popular with beautiful poem.

From this book, we can seeing Islamic World with eyes historian that experience it, and it is primary source at history, and this book was edited by Moroccan Scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Tawit At-Thanaji, and he has added food notes from other sources for explained several things at the book and also summary about  Ibn Khaldun s ideas.

This book is very recommended for everyone who want understand Islamic History at Medieval Era, if you want buy this book, you can buy at this link bellow:
Rihlah Ibnu Khaldun (tokoalvabet.com)


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