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What S Factor Islamic Ruin In Spain?

Source: Detik Travel.

Maybe, from us, are that  ask: why Spain now is not Islamic Majority Country?Is no that, in the past, at Spain, stand magnificent Islamic Empire. Why now Spain is not country with Islamic Majority? How Muslims disappear from Spain History? Lets discuss it.

Ibn Bathuta who visit Spain at 14 th century report  a fierce battle beetwen Muslims and Christian at Spain.  And  fall many victim in Muslim Side. The question, how started a big war that destroy Muslims in Spain? Lets search the scenario.

At Chronichle Of Alfonso III  maybe write at 900 AD, Pelayo, one of Visigoth Royal Family, escape to Picos Des Europe Mountain after Muslims Army liberate Spain from tyranny of Visigoth. He rebel againts Muslims Government and he  defeat Muslims Army under Commander Alqama. Chronichle Of Alfonso III  report, the battle broke at 717 AD. Next, stand Spanish states at North Of Muslim Territories , such as Leon and Navarre. And battle broke beetwen Muslims States Of Umayyad and Spanish States for many times.

At 920 AD, Umayyad Caliphate at Spain, Abdurrahman III, face to face with King Of Leon, Ordono II, and he attack Spain Kingdoms territories fro many times, at Battle Of Val Junqueras, he defeat King Ordono II and Sancho The Great and he conquer Pampeluna, Capital Of Navarre.

At 981 AD, Caliph Manshur Billah lead his army to attack Spain Kingdom territories and at 988 AD, he conquer Kingdom Of Leon. At 1002 AD, he die after return from battle againts Castille. But, after this, Islamic State Of Umayyad in Spain Collapsed and Spain take turns ruled by Islamic Dynasty from Morocco, include Murabithun and Muwahiddun,  and war againts Spain Kingdom broke for many times, sometimes Muslims defeated and sometimes Muslims achieve victory.

One of Muslims Victory at this era is Battle Of Alarcos ( at 591 H) . In this battle, Muslims from Morocco under their leader, Abu Yaqub defeat European Coalition under King Alfonso  VIII Of Castille. Siyar Alam An-Nubala record Abu Yaqub  moved his army to Seville and face to face with Alfonso VIII Of Castille,  he achieve victory and kill many Castille s commander. Abu Yaqub occupied Castle Of Castille and he attack City Of Toledo. King Alfonso VIII begging  a peace and  war stopped.

But, Abu Yaqub s sucessor, An-Nashir Muhammad defeated by European Coalition who consists by Aragon, Barcelona, Crusader Of Palestine, and Byzantine Empire. Under King Alfonso VIII

After this, Muslim s reign at Spain turn weak. One of  Arabian Prince, Muhammad Ibn Yusuf succeded found Islamic Dynasty at Granada and he ruled at 1232-1273 AD,  after this, Kingdom Of Granada confrontated with Kingdom Of Spanish. At his time, Christian Kingdom At Spain united because marriage King Ferdinand  Of Aragon and Queen Isabella If Castille at 1469 AD.

At 1492 AD, King Ferdinand seize Granada from King Abdullah As Shagir after fierce battle. King Ferdinand forced Muslims Civilian for  convert to Christian, who reject tortured without humanity.

Spanish priest, Pelida command beheaded all of Muslims who doesn’t want be a christian.

75 years after Ruin Of Granada, Muslims in Spain rebel againts Fernando Y Cordoba ( a.ka. Muhammad Ibn Umayya). He seize Almeria and Malaga from Spanish Army, but he martyred and rebellion stopped.

It is factor, why in the present, Spain doesn’t state with Muslims Majority. From this history, we study, mutual respect with different religion, is key to peace, running religion that we  believe and doesn’t disturb  people who different with us. So that, we can live peaceful without conflict such as happen beetwen Israel and Palestine today, hopefully, conflict in Palestine can ended with peace, and not enough colonization at the world .

Recommendation book:
Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: The History Of Arabs, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Kennedy, Hugh: Penaklukkan Islam Yang Mengubah Dunia, Penerbit Serambi, 2019 M.

Al-Asyqar, DR.Sulaiman: Siyar Alam An-Nubala Mutiara Kisah  Pilihan Orang-Orang Cemerlang Dalam Sejarah Islam, Penerbit Al-Kautsar, 2015 M.

Batutah, Ibnu: Rihlah Ibnu Batutah, Penerbit Alvabet, 2023 M.


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