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Islamic Historian At World History

Source: Bersamadakwah.

Muslims has many historians in the past, who popular in world civilization at his time, who them?Lets we discuss abour 3 Islamic Historians who succeded became world historian at his time and their work still exist until today.

1.Imam Ibnu Katsir.

He popular with his masterpiece, Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, he born at Mijdal, Bushra, Syiria, at 700 H, and he studied at Damascus, Capital Of Syria, he wrote several books, including Tafsir Al Quran Al-Azhim, Jami Al Masanid, and his masterpiece is Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, Book Of Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah  is a complete encyclopedy about history, including history of Arabian, Israeli, Crusade, Mongols Invasion, and other.

His last book is An-Nihayah Fi Al-Fitan Wa Al-Malahim, that discuss about day of judgement in Islamic Religion, including about last day according Islamic Religion.

2. Ibnu Khaldun.

His original name is Abdurrahman Ibn Muhammad and he is Muslim s Spanish with Yemen blood, he wrote his monumental book, Rihlah Ibnu Khaldun, that tell his journey around the world and history of states that he visit, including History Of Crusade, Mongols Invasion, and Islamic History at Spain. He also popular with his ideas about politic, including the basic of history.

His monumental book also Muqaddimah , containing basics of history and civilization and according Philip.K.Hitti, Non Muslim Historian, Ibnu Khaldun is very clever philosopher in the world.

His complete book about history titled Tarikh Ibnu Khaldun ( Al-Ibar Wa Diwan Al-Mubtada Wa al-Khabar fi Ayyam Al-Arab Wa al-Ajam wa al-Barbar wa man Ashara Hum min Dzawi As-Sulthan Al-Akbar)

3. Ibn Bathuta.

He is Muslim Traveler who born at 1304 AD, in Tangier, Morocco, his popular book is Rihlah Ibnu Batutah that record Islamic History at 14 th century, he traveled to Middle East, India, Mongol Empire, Sumatra, and other.

Until now, Rihlah Ibnu Batutah  is primary and complete source for Islamic History at 14 th century, the book  record completely Islamic History at 14 th century, according geographical mapping, his book record condition, culture, and politic at Islamic Lands at 14 TH century, including Hijaz, Baghdad, Yemen, Egypt, Central Asia, India, Indonesia, and Spain. His book is detail notes about Islamic History at 14 th century.

Uniquely, Rihlah Ibnu Batutah ignored by Muslims for long time and exactly appreciated by Europeans Historian. According Historian Ahmed Kuru, it is happened because Muslims at the time busy with security problem, why? Because stranger invasion including Mongols and Crusaders, and Muslims States after Age Of Crusade and Mongol Invasion dominated by military, including Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empire.

Islamic Historian maybe doesn’t popular at  ordinary people now, but, we must know, in the past, many Islamic Historian who their works used for historical refrences today.

Recommendation book:
Kuru, Ahmet: Islam, Otoritarianisme, Dan Ketertinggalan, Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2021 M.

Batutah, Ibnu: Rihlah Ibnu Batutah ,Penerbit Alvabet, 2023 M.

Khaldun, Ibnu: Rihlah Ibnu Khaldun, Penerbit Alvabet, 2023 M.

Kathir, Ibnu: Perjalanan Hidup Empat Khalifah Rasulullah Yang Agung, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2012 M.

Kathir, Ibnu: Al-Bidayah Wa An-Nihayah, Penerbit Insan Kamil,2021 M.



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