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Answer Fake Claims About Ottoman Caliphate

Source: Islam Agama Rahmat.

Our friends who doesn’t like Ottoman Caliphate often accuse Ottoman Caliphate as terrorist, robber, rapists and other. Is their words aproriate with reality? Lets we answer together in this article. We will dissect according valid datas about Ottoman Caliphate. Lets discuss.

First, Ottoman Caliphate is terrorist.

An Non Muslim Youtuber say, Ottoman Caliphate is terrorist because they attack and rob European Territories. It is clearly fake claims, why this? Factor Ottoman s raids to European territories, in the contects, Balkan and East Europe because King Of Serbia, Stephen Dushan burden his people with forced labor.

Next, the youtuber say, Ottoman rob European Civilian with Jizya (  Caliphate s tax for Non-Muslim Civilian). It is false, why this? Because Muslims also mandatory pay Zakat. Ottoman Caliphate take Zakat  from Muslims and Jizya for Non Muslims. And Jizya doesn’t mandatory for Non Muslims who: poor, women, children, religion leader,  and Non Muslims s family who served Ottoman Caliphate. Jizya or Zakat used for public server. So, where this robbery?

Second, Ottoman Army Is Barbaric Army.

They say this because in Conquest Of Constantinople 1453 AD from Byzantine Empire  by Ottoman Army who led by Sultan Mehmed II ( Muhammad Al-Fatih), briefly happened looting by Ottoman Army  in Constantinople City. It is true and written by Greek Civilian who became a witness, but, after this, Sultan Mehmed II forbid his troops to next it.

Ottoman army also educated by competent shaykh in moral and ethics.  Why they became Barbaric if they educated with Islamic Morals? Maybe they ever make mistake but one mistake cannot seeing as generalization.

Third, Mehmed II  Is Evil.

It is claims who often out in Youtube, Mehmed II ( Muhammad Al-Fatih) is evil person because he oppres Non-Muslims and he doesn’t conqueror who propeshied by Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, It is clearly, fake claim, Mehmed II is so far from crime. Claims that he oppres Non-Muslims is doesn’t based. He is very tolerant to Non-Muslims in his territories, when he conquer Constatinople at 1453 AD, he treat Non-Muslim Civilians well and give him tolerance to run their faith.

As for, Mehmed II s reason to kill his prisoners, example King Of Trabzon, when he conquer Trabzon, Last Byzantine Kingdom,  at 1461 AD, originally, he bring King Of Trabzon and his family to Istanbul, Ottoman Empire Capital and give him land for house and cost of living, but King Of Trabzon tried conspired for destroy Ottoman Empire. Reason Mehmed II attack Trabzon because Kingdom Of Trabzon became allied for his enemy, Sultan Uzun Hasan, ruler of Aq Qoyunlu Dynasty, at this time, Aq Qoyunlu Dynasty is dynasty who ruled West Persia and East Anatolia.

In Conquest Of Constantinople, Mehmet II also kill  a son from Byzantine Nobleman, but the reason is the son conspired to kill him. Tried kill stateleader clearly a coup statement. Mehmet II also kill his cousin who live at Constantinople, Prince Orhan when he conquer this city, the reason, Prince Orhan conspired with Byzantine Empire to coup Ottoman Throne.

Execution for traitor and conspirator who danger government, exactly aims keep the state from politically shaking. So, doesn’t based is we accuse Mehmet II is evil because several statement only, without seeing the contects.

Recommendation Book:

Freely, John:.Muhammad Al Fatih Sang Penakluk Konstatinopel, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar Di Dunia Dan Pemerintahannya, Penerbit Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.



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